Bulky Knit Wool Fingerless Mitts

 New project in the works. I had to pull my full-length wool cloak out a few weeks ago since it has gotten cooler here in Florida. While digging through my yarn stash the other day I found this left over skein of super bulky yarn that I had spun at some time in the past. Don’t remember when. The stash is extensive. Last year I knit an over sized shawl from the same yarn and this last 6.5 ounces is what was left. I’m hoping to get two fingerless mitts from it. If not I’ll try another fiber source from the stash. Maybe I’ll even consider a totally different color as a mate to this one. There is no rule that says they have to both be the same color, by no means. The thought has come to mind to Vogue the shawl and the mitts when the mitts are completed. Though I wouldn’t hold my breath on that as I’m not one for taking pictures and posing on Instagram. We’ll see how it all works out in the end. salaam. #merinoroving #knitters #fiberdyeing #100daysofspindlespinning #yarndyeing #crochet #knittinglove #knittingwhileblack #plyonthefly #knittingismyyoga #wool #fleece #fiberdyeing #yarnstash #upallnight

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